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The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation is a standard-bearer for quality written communication.
—Randy V.
GrammarBook.com is an essential tool for writers, teachers—all of us.
—Michaela H.
Your weekly e-newsletter is a great help to many English learners. It has a simple, clear way of explaining matters we used to consider difficult.
—Noor A.
Give the Gift of Pedantry
If there is a logophile—word lover—on your holiday gift list, you can’t go wrong with What in the Word? by Charles
Harrington Elster. Elster is a formidable scholar, but he has written a book that is fun to read, yet packed with information.
Scattered throughout the book’s seven chapters are astute quotations, “fascinating facts,” and “bodacious brainteaser”
quizzes on grammar trivia. Numerous sidebars hold forth on topics that range from frivolous to esoteric. We learn, for instance, that “there are more
synonyms for drunk than for any other word in the language”—over 2,660 of them (including quilted, upholstered, and iced to the eyebrows). And did you know that Noah Webster, who wrote the first American dictionary, was an insufferable prig; and Socrates was an
“arrogant runt” whose wife despised him?
Each chapter has a brief introductory essay, followed by a series of questions and answers. The questions are from the author’s readers and fans.
This format could quickly become tedious, but the discussions are on topics every armchair linguist has wondered about, and the answers are crisp,
informed, and entertaining.
Chapter One deals with “word histories, mysteries, hoaxes, and hype.” A couple of examples: all decked out does not come from sailing.
It comes from dekken, a Dutch word meaning “to cover.” Xmas (as a stand-in for Christmas), thought by some to be a
modern monstrosity, has been around since the sixteenth century.
Chapter Two covers bad usage that is gaining acceptance. The author’s contempt for comprised of (always incorrect) and ’til
(use till instead) will warm every nitpicker’s heart. In the chapter’s intro, Elster discusses good and bad change: “Change that
springs from creativity, that is advanced by need, and that is reinforced by utility is unobjectionable. But change that results from ignorance, pomposity,
eccentricity, a mania for fashion, or a desire for novelty is suspect.”
Chapter Three offers a trove of esoteric words: The philtrum is the groove that runs from the nose to the upper lip. A logophile loves
words, but a logolept is obsessed with them. A librocubiculist is one who likes to read in bed (the author made that word up—he
does that).
Chapter Four deals with “distinctions, clarifications, niceties, and other little things” that may help writers refine their style. Use a, not an, before historic, heroic, and other words that begin with an audible h. Avoid in regards to (make it in regard to) and shun irregardless (just say regardless). Anyone who disagrees is a grobian (“a rude, clownish, blundering oaf”).
Chapter Five, on the spoken word, mainly addresses pronunciation. When we say homage and flaccid, we should pronounce them
HAHM-ij and FLAK-sid, not oh-MAHZH and FLASS-id. We should also enunciate clearly and not say “claps” instead of collapse,
“yerp” for Europe, or “jeet” when we ask, “Did you eat?”
Chapter Six covers Americanisms. Jim Crow was originally a nineteenth century song-and-dance number. Thomas Jefferson made up the word belittle. And who knew that glitch is a Yiddish word? In this chapter the author claims—apparently in all seriousness—that
the word ginormous was invented by his daughters. (If so, Dad should be proud that ginormous is listed in the 2014 edition of Webster’s New World College Dictionary.)
The seventh and final chapter is a catch-all for information that “just didn’t fit anywhere else.” Here are some highlights:
• The second edition of the Oxford English Dictionary contains around 616,500 words. (Approximate number of words in the German language:
• The average educated adult’s vocabulary: twenty-five thousand to forty thousand words.
• The word nth is one of English’s very few legitimate vowel-less words (two others: hmm and psst).
• The word set has more meanings (almost two hundred) than any other word in English.
Because of the e-newsletter’s large readership, please submit your English usage questions through GrammarBook.com’s “Grammar Blog.” |
Pop Quiz
Here are a few quiz questions from What in the Word? by Charles Harrington Elster. Answers are at the bottom of the newsletter.
1. We write P.S. to add something at the end of a letter or an email. What does P.S. stand for?
2. Which is the correct spelling:
A) forceable
B) force-able
C) forcible
D) forcable
3. Edgar Allan Poe, Robert Frost, Allen Ginsberg: Which poet wrote which famous first line?
A) “Something there is that doesn’t love a wall”
B) “I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness”
C) “It was many and many a year ago”
4. What well-known proverbs are hiding in these pompous paraphrases:
A) Hubris antedates a gravity-impelled descent.
B) Abstention from speculatory undertaking precludes achievement.
Free BONUS Quiz for You!
[[firstname]], because you are a subscriber to the newsletter, you get access to one of the Subscription Members-Only Quizzes. Click here to take a Commas Quiz and get your scores and explanations instantly!
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More Good News for Quiz Subscribers
We are pleased to announce that we have added even more quizzes to help you challenge yourself, your students, and your staff. We added quizzes to existing categories and created some new categories such as “Confusing Verbs,” “Subjunctive Mood,” “Comprise,” “Sit vs. Set vs. Sat,” and “Spelling.”
We reviewed and strengthened every quiz on our website to ensure consistency with the rules and guidelines contained in our eleventh edition of The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation.
If you think you have found an error in a quiz, please email us at help@grammarbook.com.

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Don’t need all the quizzes at once? You can now purchase the same quizzes individually for ONLY 99¢ each. Purchase yours here. |

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Get Amazon’s No. 1 Best-seller in Four Categories!
No. 1 in Grammar
No. 1 in Reading
No. 1 in Lesson Planning
No. 1 in Vocabulary |
The Blue Book of Grammar
and Punctuation by Jane Straus, Lester Kaufman, and Tom Stern
The Authority on English Grammar! Eleventh Edition Now Available
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An indispensable tool for busy professionals, teachers, students, homeschool families, editors, writers, and proofreaders.
Available in print AND as an e-Book! Over 2,000 copies are purchased every month!
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- Hundreds of Grammar, Punctuation, Capitalization, and Usage Rules
- Real-World Examples
- Spelling / Vocabulary / Confusing Words
- Quizzes with Answers
The publisher is extending its discount offer until December 31, 2015! If you live in the United States or Canada, order the new edition of The Blue Book
through Wiley.com and get 30 percent off and FREE shipping. Simply go to bit.ly/1996hkA and use discount code E9X4AYY.
For those of you who live outside the U.S. and Canada, although the publisher is not able to offer free shipping, you will get 35 percent off to help offset your shipping costs. Simply go to bit.ly/1996hkA and use discount code E9X4A. |
Rules for Writing Good: Writing Tips
Here are more selections from a perverse set of rules that are guilty of the very mistakes they seek to prevent. English teachers, students, scientists, and writers have been circulating these self-contradictory rules for more than a century.
1. Resist Unnecessary Capitalization.
2. Avoid mispellings.
3. Check to see if you any words out.
Pop Quiz Answers
1. In Latin, postscriptum; in English, postscript.
2. C) forcible
A) Frost, “Mending Wall”
B) Ginsberg, “Howl”
C) Poe, “Annabel Lee”
A) Pride comes before a fall.
B) Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Learn all about who and whom, affect and effect, subjects and verbs, adjectives and adverbs, commas, semicolons, quotation marks, and much more by just sitting back and enjoying these easy-to-follow lessons. Tell your colleagues (and boss), children, teachers, and friends. Click here to watch. |