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Irregular Verbs
Let’s work with a few irregular verbs this week. Regular verbs change to past tense by adding an –ed.
I like to walk quickly.
I walked to the store.
Irregular verbs do not change tense by adding an –ed.
Present Form (used alone or with will)
Past Form
Note: Do not use has or have with the past tense form.
I went to the store. NOT I have went to the store.
Past Participle Form (used with have or has)
has/have gone
has/have swum
has/have run
Present Participle Form (ing formed with to be verbs such as is, are, was, were, am)
Examples with go:
I go to my aunt’s house in the afternoon.
I will go to my aunt’s house.
I went to my aunt’s house yesterday.
I have gone to my aunt’s house every afternoon this week.
I am going to my aunt’s house this afternoon.
Examples with swim:
I swim at my aunt’s house in the afternoon.
I will swim at my aunt’s house.
I swam at my aunt’s house yesterday.
I have swum at my aunt’s house every afternoon this week.
I am swimming at my aunt’s house this afternoon.
Examples with run:
I run around the track daily.
I will run around the track every day this week.
I ran around the track yesterday.
I have run around the track every day this week.
I am running around the track every day this week.
Due to the E-Newsletter's large readership, we are unable to respond to individual English usage questions.
Pop Quiz
Choose the correct verb in each sentence below. Scroll down to view answers.
1. I will run/ran for office next year.
2. I have run/ran for office twice.
3. I have went/gone to the dentist but my tooth still hurts.
4. I have swam/swum the butterfly stroke in competition.
5. He ringed/rang the bell before entering.
6. He has rang/rung the bell twice but no one has answered.
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Pop Quiz Answers
1. I will run for office next year.
2. I have run for office twice.
3. I have gone to the dentist but my tooth still hurts.
4. I have swum the butterfly stroke in competition.
5. He rang the bell before entering.
6. He has rung the bell twice but no one has answered.
Excuses Sent by Parents to Schools
These are purportedly real notes written by parents. (Spellings have been left intact.)
Please excuse Jimmy for being. It was his father's fault.
Megan could not come to school today because she has been bothered by very close veins.
Please excuse Jason for being absent yesterday. He had a cold and could not breed well.
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