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Pronouncing the Word Blessed
We recently received inquiries from some of our readers regarding the proper way to pronounce blessed. The word blessed can be used and pronounced in two different ways.
Rule 1:
When blessed is used as a verb, it is pronounced with one syllable (blest):
Example for the pronunciation blest:
Devon is blessed with amazing athletic ability.
Rule 2. When the word blessed is used as an adjective, adverb (blessedly), or noun (blessedness), blessed is pronounced with two syllables (bles-id).
Examples for the pronunciation bles-id:
Annie’s baptism was a blessed moment, particularly for her devoted grandparents.
Blessed are the poor.
Due to the E-Newsletter's large readership, please submit your English usage questions through GrammarBook.com's "Grammar Blog." |
Pop Quiz
- The priest blessed (pronounced blest or bles-id) the candles at the ceremony.
- The couple was blessed (pronounced blest or bles-id) with a healthy baby girl.
- I don’t have a blessed (pronounced blest or bles-id) dime to my name.
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Pop Quiz Answers
- The priest blessed (pronounced blest or bles-id) the candles at the ceremony.
- The couple was blessed (pronounced blest or bles-id) with a healthy baby girl.
- I don’t have a blessed (pronounced blest or bles-id) dime to my name.
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