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I'll be hanged! Or, have I just gone missing?
Several readers responded to Tom Stern’s July article, which asked for alternatives to gone missing.
Interestingly, the overwhelming choice was to simply replace the phrase with missing.
This is fine in many, perhaps most, cases, e.g., The man was missing instead of The man went missing. But it’s no help at all in sentences such as The man went missing two days ago. For such sentences, we have few options other than disappeared or vanished, which, as Stern pointed out, sounds as if the man in question were more the victim of a magic trick than a potential tragedy.
So dig deeper, readers! If you can come up with an inspired alternative to The man went missing two days ago, many will thank you for having done our beloved language a great service.
Speakers and writers who value precision know that the past tense of hang, when it means “to put to death using a rope,” is hanged, rather than hung. This applies to both the active and passive voice: They hanged the prisoner and The prisoner was hanged.
For inanimate objects, use hung. Under unusual conditions, people also hung or are hung, e.g., He hung from the tree with one hand or He found himself hung upside down.
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Pop Quiz
Choose the correct word for each sentence. Answers are at the bottom of the newsletter.
1. We hung/hanged the stockings by the chimney with care.
2. The angry mob hung/hanged the outlaw Gomer Dooley.
3. The disgraced prime minister was hung/hanged from a lamppost in the town square.
4. An effigy of the prime minister was hung/hanged from a lamppost in the town square.
5. The man hung/hanged from the rafters with a rope around his waist.
Kudos for GrammarBook.com
The International Association of Administrative Professionals recently honored us as one of the top seven grammar websites for administrative professionals. The IAAP article mentioned, "GrammarBook.com continues to be a cornucopia of great tips and guidance for writers. Its explanations of English rules are clear and concise and the blog writers tackle practical subjects mixed in with some inspiration." The full article can be viewed here.
Thank you, IAAP!
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Thanks to reader Rick B. for submitting these actual carelessly worded or ironic signs.
Spotted in a safari park:
Seen during a conference:
Notice in health food shop window:
Pop Quiz Answers
Correct answers indicated in bold.
1. We hung the stockings by the chimney with care.
2. The angry mob hanged the outlaw Gomer Dooley.
3. The disgraced prime minister was hanged from a lamppost in the town square.
4. An effigy of the prime minister was hung from a lamppost in the town square.
5. The man hung from the rafters with a rope around his waist.
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