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Test Your Vocabulary
“Words have a longer life than deeds.”
“The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name.”
“Proper words in proper places make the true definition of a style.”
—Jonathan Swift
“The limits of my language are the limits of my mind. All I know is what I have words for.”
—Ludwig Wittgenstein
Here is another of our intermittent vocabulary tests. The answers directly follow the quiz.
1. droll
A) sad
B) unaffected
C) humorous
D) agile
2. mitigate
A) inspire
B) reduce
C) resist
D) contradict
3. laconic
A) defiant
B) devious
C) lacking energy
D) using few words
4. respite
A) depression
B) constant anger
C) a short period of rest
D) a loud noise
5. ubiquitous
A) everywhere
B) enormous
C) swerving
D) weakened
6. ruminate
A) think deeply about
B) minimize
C) make space for
D) copy
7. demagogue
A) madman
B) outlaw
C) great leader
D) agitator
8. brusque
A) brilliant
B) cheerful
C) abrupt
D) easily offended
9. obfuscate
A) complain
B) clarify
C) confuse
D) mumble
10. ad hominem
A) a tactic used to wear down an opponent through constant repetition
B) a tactic used to win an argument through personal attack
C) a tactic used to distract an opponent by introducing another topic
D) an argument that assumes the truth of a statement that is unproven
1: C) humorous. Her droll observations had me laughing all evening.
2: B) reduce. The panel submitted a plan to mitigate and manage the causes and consequences of violent conflict.
3: D) using few words. His laconic young friend rarely said more than two words at a time.
4: C) a short period of rest. The treaty gave the country a respite from twenty years of war.
5: A) everywhere. Computers have become ubiquitous in everyday life.
6: A) think deeply about. They spent long hours ruminating on what needed to be done.
7: D) agitator. He’s just a power-hungry demagogue with no coherent plan.
8: C) abrupt. I gave him a brusque reply because I was too busy to chat.
9: C) confuse. This is an effort by the agency to obfuscate, misdirect, and conceal.
10: B) a tactic used to win an argument through personal attack. The mayor ignored the issue and launched a ten-minute ad hominem assault on Wilson.
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We reviewed and strengthened every quiz on our website to ensure consistency with the rules and guidelines contained in our eleventh edition of The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation.
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