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I want to thank you for The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation. It is a great reference book. I used it to study for the writing portion of a teaching certificate exam and passed the first time. What a relief!
—Charles F.
I am very happy that I subscribed to GrammarBook.com. The teacher's account can see which students are doing the work and which are not. It is very convenient for the students as they are allowed to take quizzes any time before the due date.
—John A.
As someone who routinely bemoans the death of proper English, I would like to thank and commend you for your e-newsletter.
—Barry S.
Media Watch
These articles used to be a lot more fun to write, but that was before
newspapers and magazines went on life support. Mainly, we do “Media
Watch” for the copy editors, those unsung word nerds who make
journalists watch what they say and how they say it.
When companies struggle, they downsize, so we shudder to think of all the
fine copy editors who have been cast aside as expendable. If we’ve
hired capable writers, the corporate thinking might go, they’ll do OK
without some finicky scold looking over their shoulders. Fine, but as that
old song says, you don’t know what you’ve lost till it’s
gone …
• “Schmidt described her as ‘very
calm—nonplussed’ after the senator met with her.”
No doubt Schmidt meant that the woman was unruffled, but nonplussed means confused.
• “There was nothing longer then this” (should be
This blunder would be embarrassing anywhere, but it cropped up in the daily
word puzzle known as Jumble, a game whose very existence depends upon its
spelling accuracy.
• “A unusual twist in Senate process.”
• “An very unfortunately named document.”
One of the principles of English that Americans once learned in first grade
was when to use the article a (before consonants: a man)
and when to use an (before vowels and vowel sounds: an owl, an honor). But this basic rule has become a
mystery to many of us, including otherwise intelligent public figures who
say things like “a international effort.”
This thing has become an epidemic. But here’s one that may deserve
the benefit of the doubt: “Her friends plan to use an Ouija
board.” The author is probably too young to know that even though Ouija starts with a vowel, it’s pronounced
“wee-ja,” so it takes a, not an.
• “The dirty little secret about being an artist is that
you’re still a human being. That means he or she has the same
emotions as everyone else.”
That’s not pretty. The writer wanted to avoid using they
with the singular “an artist,” a laudable goal, but he lost
control of his sentence. Why did he go from “you” to “he
or she”? Just change the second sentence to, “That means you
have the same emotions as everyone else.” Better yet, making
“artist” plural avoids the whole mess: “The dirty little
secret about artists is that they’re still human beings. That means
they have the same emotions as everyone else.”
We suspect that the laying off of gifted copy editors at newspapers and
magazines is behind most if not all of these blunders. Even good writers
falter under the pressure of deadlines—a venerable critic recently
wrote, “We live in a time where every musical genre can be labeled
world music.” On such occasions, writers need someone they can depend
on to change that ill-advised “where” to “when.”
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