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The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation is a perfect match for teaching English to young adult ESL students.
—Larry F.
The quiz subscriptions on GrammarBook.com were just what I was looking for in a resource; not to mention how much time I will save.
—Sheri M.
Your e-newsletter helped me improve my craft. I was just a struggling writer; now I'm an editor-in-chief.
—Mary N.
Spell Well, and Excel
Take care that you never spell a word wrong. Always before you write a word, consider how it is spelled, and, if you do not remember, turn to a
dictionary. It produces great praise to a lady to spell well.
—Thomas Jefferson to his daughter
If there are spelling and grammatical errors, assume that the same level of attention to detail probably went into the gathering and reporting of the
“facts” given on the site.
—Randolph Hock, The Extreme Searcher’s Internet Handbook
Don’t write naughty words on walls if you can’t spell.
—from the song “Be Prepared,” by Tom Lehrer
Here is another of our spelling drills. In keeping with our policy, these are words that you hear all the time. You’ll find the answers directly
1. They specialize in ___ with a focus on fashion and quality.
A) aparrel
B) apparrel
C) apparel
D) aparell
2. Listen to the ___ of the falling rain.
A) rythum
B) rhythum
C) rhythm
D) ryhthm
3. This ___ is important to help us qualify your needs.
A) questionnaire
B) questionaire
C) questionnair
D) questionair
4. “Smooth ___, Hoover!”
A) manuver
B) manuever
C) maneuvor
D) maneuver
5. The seller retains ownership until the final ___ is paid.
A) instalment
B) installment
C) installmint
D) instahlment
6. Ancient Troy was captured by an elaborate ___.
A) stratagim
B) strategim
C) strategem
D) stratagem
7. Jerry’s ___ behavior embarrassed the ambassador.
A) asinine
B) assinine
C) asanine
D) asinyne
8. I walked a mile in my ___.
A) mocasins
B) moccasins
C) mocassins
D) moccassins
9. Trace your ___ to learn more about your family.
A) geneolagy
B) geneolagey
C) geneology
D) genealogy
10. That shy student from Bogotá, ___, became her husband.
A) Collumbia
B) Colambia
C) Colombia
D) Columbia
1: C) apparel
2: C) rhythm
3: A) questionnaire
4: D) maneuver
5: B) installment
6: D) stratagem
7: A) asinine
8: B) moccasins
9: D) genealogy
10: C) Colombia
Because of the e-newsletter’s large readership, please submit your English usage questions through GrammarBook.com’s “Grammar Blog.” |
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More Good News for Quiz Subscribers
We are pleased to announce that we have added even more quizzes to help you challenge yourself, your students, and your staff. We added quizzes to existing categories and created some new categories such as “Confusing Verbs,” “Subjunctive Mood,” “Comprise,” “Sit vs. Set vs. Sat,” and “Spelling.”
We reviewed and strengthened every quiz on our website to ensure consistency with the rules and guidelines contained in our eleventh edition of The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation.
If you think you have found an error in a quiz, please email us at help@grammarbook.com.

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No. 1 in Grammar
No. 1 in Reading
No. 1 in Lesson Planning
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The Blue Book of Grammar
and Punctuation by Jane Straus, Lester Kaufman, and Tom Stern
The Authority on English Grammar! Eleventh Edition Now Available
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An indispensable tool for busy professionals, teachers, students, homeschool families, editors, writers, and proofreaders.
Available in print AND as an e-Book! Over 2,000 copies are purchased every month!
Order Your Copy Today!
- Hundreds of Grammar, Punctuation, Capitalization, and Usage Rules
- Real-World Examples
- Spelling / Vocabulary / Confusing Words
- Quizzes with Answers
If you live in the United States or Canada, order The Blue Book through Wiley.com and get 30 percent off and FREE shipping! Simply go to bit.ly/1996hkA and use discount code E9X4AYY.*
For those of you who live outside the U.S. and Canada, although the publisher is not able to offer free shipping, you will get 35 percent off to help offset your shipping costs. Simply go to bit.ly/1996hkA and use discount code E9X4A.*
*Offer expires December 31, 2016.
An unfortunate syntax error: this is one strict restaurant.
Learn all about who and whom, affect and effect, subjects and verbs, adjectives and adverbs, commas, semicolons, quotation marks, and much more by just sitting back and enjoying these easy-to-follow lessons. Tell your colleagues (and boss), children, teachers, and friends. Click here to watch. |