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I vs. Me (Review)
I get more questions about pronoun usage, particularly I vs. me, than any other topic. So, here is a review that should help you feel more secure about your choices. For more on the topic, click here.
Should we say, “She and I went to the store”? Or is it correct to say, “She and me went to the store”?
Is it, “He put suntan lotion on him and I”? Or would you say, “He put suntan lotion on him and me”?
Many of us were taught (incorrectly) never to use me, as though uttering this “dirty” word would make us sound uneducated. But the question of whether to use I or me comes down to whether you are using the word as a subject or as an object in the sentence. Both words are pronouns, but I is a subject pronoun while me is an object pronoun.
So, in the sentence, “She and I went to the store,” the correct word to use would be I rather than me. Why? Because I is the subject of the sentence. (Who is going to the store? She and I are going to the store.)
One good way to test this rule is to see how it sounds when you use each pronoun individually: It sounds right to say, “She went to the store.” You would also say, “I went to the store.”
“He put suntan lotion on him and me” would be correct because him and me are objects. Specifically, they are objects of the preposition on. Using these pronouns individually, it should sound right to say, “He put suntan lotion on him.” You would also say, “He put suntan lotion on me.”
Due to the E-Newsletter's large readership, we are only able to respond to individual English usage questions if submitted through GrammarBook.com's "Grammar Blog." |
Pop Quiz
Choose the correct sentence. Scroll down to view answers.
1A. Arlene asked he and I to complete the job.
1B. Arlene asked him and me to complete the job.
2A. He and I completed the job for Arlene.
2B. Him and me completed the job for Arlene.
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The eighth-graders will be presenting Shakespeare's Hamlet in the Church basement Friday at 7 p.m. The congregation is invited to attend this tragedy.
A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music to follow.
Pop Quiz Answers
1B. Arlene asked him and me to complete the job.
2A. He and I completed the job for Arlene.
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