More Ear-itating Word Abuse
Although Arnold Schwarzenegger's star has faded, the erstwhile weight lifter-actor-governor hasn't quite left the building. Recently, a phonics teacher e-mailed her exasperation with broadcasters who mispronounce the first syllable in "Schwarzenegger," saying "swartz" instead of "shwartz." "There IS a difference!" she said. "It's gotten to the point that it's like nails on a chalkboard when I hear it."
As for me, I've heard it "swartz," "shwartz," "shvartz," and even "shvozz." I've heard it three, four, and five syllables. The man's name is a minefield—I wonder if anyone except him says it right. This may be the rare occasion when I have some compassion for announcers . . .
Or maybe not. Shouldn't you broadcasters make it your business to know how to pronounce a name—I mean, isn't that your job? What else do we ask you to do besides saying the words right? OK, "Schwarzenegger" is one thing, but how about a common American name of six letters: To most people, former Vice President Dick Cheney is "CHAY-nee." But in the early days of the George W. Bush administration, Cheney's wife announced that the proper pronunciation of the family name was "CHEE-nee." No one paid attention. Now, all these years later, the only broadcaster who's careful to say "CHEE-nee" is MSNBC's Chris Matthews.
No one butchers names like sportscasters: Back in the 1960s, the Chicago White Sox baseball team acquired a pitcher named Johnny Buzhardt. Then a strange thing happened: Up till then, his name had always been pronounced "BUZZ-hart," but when the Sox got him, their great announcer Bob Elson started calling him "Buh-ZARD." The pitcher's wife only added to the confusion when in an on-air interview she quipped, "I'm Mrs. Buh-ZARD, wife of Johnny BUZZ-hart."
Let's go to some more misbegotten ear-torturers:
Short-lived This is not the lived of "She lived well." The i is long, as it is in "live entertainment."
Integral Why do so many people say "in-tra-gul" despite the spelling? It's "in-ta-grul."
February See that r after the b? You do? Apparently we're in the minority. Every year in late winter, I wince to turn on the radio or TV and hear "Feb-yoo-ary" (or "Febber-ary"). Is "Feb-roo-ary" really so hard?
Controversial Four syllables, not five. Say "con-tra-VER-shul," not "con-tra-ver-see-ul."
Et cetera (etc.) Pronounced "ick-settera" by high-paid communicators who mysteriously think et is pronounced "ick."
Dour The correct pronunciation is "doo-er."
Schism Two things about this word: you rarely hear it, and when you do, it's wrong: don't say "skizzum," say "sizzum."
Heinous, grievous, mischievous First, please note there's no i before the o in these words. Why, then, have I heard seasoned professionals say "hee-nee-us"? It's "hay-nus." Similarly, "grievous" is a two-syllable word: "GREE-vus." The most tortured is the third one, which so many mindlessly pronounce "mis-CHEE-vee-us." Make that "MIS-cha-vus."
This classic grammar tip by our late copy editor and word nerd Tom Stern was first published on August 4, 2013.
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