Review is good for retention. That's why likes to start
the new year with a jumbo quiz that spans the last twelve months of topics
we've covered with you.
In 2017 we explored an array of ways to enhance your grammar and writing.
We hope what you learned follows you well into 2018 as you continue your
aim to communicate with even greater precision and eloquence.
The quiz includes twenty-five sentences addressing a range of subjects.
Choose your answers and then check them against our answer key that follows
the quiz. For your convenience and reference, each answer in the key also
includes the title and date of the article that focused on the topic. Best
of luck to you!
Jumbo Pop Quiz: 2017 in Twenty-five Questions
1. Jennifer is still choosing [between / among] three job offers: bank
supervisor, financial analyst, or portfolio manager.
2. The principal has [appraised / apprised] us of the changes to school
3. The coach [substituted / replaced] the bigger, slower player [with /
for] a smaller, quicker one.
4. My uncle owns a [40-foot / 40-ft.] house boat.
5. The salesperson gave us three [choices / options] of current LED TV
models to pick from.
6. My favorite book is ["To Kill a Mockingbird" / To Kill a Mockingbird] by Harper Lee.
7. Robert is an [honest, hard-working / honest hard-working] man.
8. The due date for the invoice is [September 1 / September 1st].
9. When hiring website developers for our company, we always look for
[experts / trained experts] in JavaScript and SQL.
10. I [made the decision / decided] to attend grad school after earning my
bachelor's degree.
11. Jason is averse [to / of] doing the military press in the
weight room because it's adverse [against / to] his right shoulder.
12. By holding an auction for rare memorabilia, the VFW raised more than
$60,000 [on behalf of / in behalf of] families of deceased or
wounded veterans.
13. Between you and [I / me], I think the restaurant is way overpriced.
14. Please return the supplies you don't use to Mark or [me / myself].
15. [Young people / Youth] today have to contend with more
16. The review panel found the film to be an [exploitive / exploitative] treatment of postmodern feminism.
17. Crystal composed her essay much (differently from how / differently
than) Christian wrote his.
18. The house across the street belongs to the Sanchez family. The SUV in
the driveway is the [Sanchez's / Sanchezes'] car.
19. The lack of voter participation [affected / effected] the outcome of
the election.
20. The band eventually left their rented practice space because of the [continual / continuous] drip from the ceiling. It never stopped while they tried to play.
21. The crowd [is / are] so large that the city may need to request extra
security from the neighboring town.
For the following sentence, identify whether the verb used is a
transitive or intransitive verb and whether the pronoun is a direct or
indirect object:
Mrs. Johanssen likes to bring [transitive / intransitive] us [indirect /
direct] freshly baked cookies every Sunday after church.
23. Peter is always ready to help [whoever / whomever] might be struggling
with the assignment.
24. Which salutation punctuation would be appropriate for informal
correspondence between good friends?
a) Dear Susan,
b) Dear Susan:
25. [Most importantly / Most important], her credit cards weren't in
her wallet when she lost it.
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Jumbo Pop Quiz Answers
1. Jennifer is still choosing between three job offers:
bank supervisor, financial analyst, or portfolio manager.
Among vs. Between
2. The principal has apprised us of the changes to school
In Print Is Forever
3. The coach replaced the bigger, slower player with a smaller, quicker one. (This sentence can also be written as: The coach substituted the smaller, quicker player for a bigger, slower one.)
A Fine Distinction
4. My uncle owns a 40-foot house boat.
Hyphenation with Numbers and Units of Measure
5. The salesperson gave us three options of current LED TV
models to pick from.
Choices vs. Options and Alternatives
6. My favorite book is To Kill a Mockingbird by
Harper Lee.
Titles of Books, Plays, Articles, etc.: Underline? Italics? Quotation
7. Robert is an honest, hard-working man.
Comma Chameleon
8. The due date for the invoice is September 1.
Writing Dates and Times
9. When hiring website developers for our company, we always look for experts in JavaScript and SQL.
Striking the Surplus from Tautologies
10. I decided to attend grad school after earning my
bachelor's degree.
Tightening Verb Phrases for Making an Engine That Purrs
11. Jason is averse to doing the
military press in the weight room because it's adverse to his right shoulder.
Proper Prepositional Pairing
12. By holding an auction for rare memorabilia, the VFW raised more than
$60,000 in behalf of families of deceased or wounded
In Behalf Of vs. On Behalf Of
13. Between you and me, I think the restaurant is way
overpriced. I vs. Me
14. Please return the supplies you don't use to Mark or me.
Reflexive Pronouns
15. Young people today have to contend with more
Stubborn Stinkaroos
16. The review panel found the film to be an exploitative treatment of postmodern feminism.
Putting Out the Patrol for Made-Up Words
17. Crystal composed her essay much differently than
Christian wrote his.
Diving Back Into Different From and Different Than
18. The house across the street belongs to the Sanchez family. The SUV in
the driveway is the Sanchezes' car.
Apostrophes with Names Ending in s, ch, or z
19. The lack of voter participation affected the outcome
of the election.
Effect vs. Affect
20. The band eventually left their rented practice space because of the continuous drip from the ceiling. It never stopped while they tried to play.
Commonly Confused Words That Bring Bumps to Writing
21. The crowd is so large that the city may need to
request extra security from the neighboring town.
Collecting the Truth About Collective Nouns
22. Mrs. Johanssen likes to bring [transitive verb] us [ indirect object] freshly baked cookies every Sunday after
Taking Charge of Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
23. Peter is always ready to help whoever might be
struggling with the assignment.
Whoever vs. Whomever
24. Which salutation punctuation would be appropriate for informal
correspondence between good friends?
Dear Susan,
Hitting the Right Notes with Salutations and Closings
25. Most important, her credit cards weren't in her
wallet when she lost it.
Worn-Out Words and Phrases: Resolving to Keep Writing Fresh in 2018
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