Another year of grammatical exploration has concluded with linguistic miles
behind us. What we’ve learned and discussed with you along the way
has been illuminating, and we are grateful for the thought and insight it
has inspired.
We hope you gathered even more sharpened tools for communicating in concise
and eloquent English. A year-end review is always a great way to revisit
and further retain what we’ve examined.
The 2018 master quiz consists of twenty-five sentences addressing subjects
from many of this year’s GrammarBook articles. Choose your answers
and then check them against our answer key that follows the quiz.
Each answer also includes the title and date of the article that focused on
the topic. Because some answers require particular knowledge from months
past, please feel free to refer to their associated article if you wish to
refresh your memory.
Best of luck to you as you write your way into 2019!
Jumbo Pop Quiz: 2018 in Twenty-five Questions
1. When I was in high school, I [would / used to] lift weights in the gym
almost every day.
2. When I was a kid, I [would / used to] feel like every day was a new
3. Juan received the highest score on the test [since / because] he studied
the most.
4. [Since / Because] Rich was the most qualified, he was offered the
promotion first.
5. She is perhaps the most [well spoken / well-spoken] project manager to
have ever led the initiative.
6. Considering the event is informal, I’d say Milan is notably [well
dressed / well-dressed]. (Answer is based on Chicago Manual of
Style usage.)
7. “Every one of y’all (insert [sic] / don’t
insert [sic]) should do a little more homework before you go
makin’ accusations like that,” the site supervisor said.
8. [New Year’s day / New Year’s Day] is on January 1.
9. The weather isn’t good today, so I will wait until
tomorrow to go jogging. (In this sentence the word so is [an
adverb / a conjunction].)
10. The team is so big and strong that most others don’t
want to play against them. (In this sentence the word so is [an
adverb / an adjective].)
11. Let’s meet for lunch at [noon / 12:00 noon].
12. The meeting will be held at [7:00 p.m. / 7:00 p.m. in the evening].
13. The [silver-medal-winning / silver medal–winning] athlete
gracefully shook the gold winner’s hand after the award ceremony.
14. Jake has a [small town / small-town] personality.
15. Do you see the [pretty, tall Kenyan / tall, pretty Kenyan] lady
standing by the fountain?
16. Please set that [square, wooden / wooden, square] box on the floor.
17. The panel has reviewed [each / each and every] point in the proposal.
18. Most people prefer warm or mild days over freezing weather. (In this
sentence most is an [adjective / adverb].)
19. I’ll meet you in my office upstairs. (In this sentence upstairs is an [adjective / adverb].)
20. She is the quickest thinker we’ve met so far. (In this
sentence quick is an example of a [free morpheme / bound
21. Theressa is unbound to the limits of traditional thinking. (In
this sentence un- is an example of a [free morpheme / bound
22. When I watch comedies, I laugh. (This sentence is an example of the
[Zero Conditional / Type 3 Conditional].)
23. If you don’t act soon, someone else will get that open position
at the company. (This sentence is an example of the [Mixed Conditional /
Type 1 Conditional].)
24. We estimate the project will take [12–14 / from 12–14]
weeks to complete.
25. If I have to choose between the donuts and the cupcakes, I’d
rather have [these / these ones].
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Jumbo Pop Quiz Answers
1. When I was in high school, I [would / used to] lift
weights in the gym almost every day. Would vs. Used To 1-24
2. When I was a kid, I [would / used to] feel like every
day was a new adventure. Would vs. Used To 1-24
3. Juan received the highest score on the test [since / because] he studied the most. Tackling More Tricky Word Choices: As, Because, and Since 2-21
4. [Since / Because] Rich was the most qualified, he was
offered the promotion first. Tackling More Tricky Word Choices: As, Because, and Since 2-21
5. She is perhaps the most [well spoken / well-spoken]
project manager to have ever led the initiative. Are We Hyphenating Well? 4-4
6. Considering the event is informal, I’d say Milan is notably [well dressed / well-dressed]. Are We Hyphenating Well? 4-4 (Chicago Manual of Style usage)
7. “Every one of y’all (insert [sic] / don’t insert [sic]) should do a little more
homework before you go makin’ accusations like that,” the site
supervisor said. Figuring Out the Trick Behind [sic] 5-30
8. [New Year’s day / New Year’s Day] is on
January 1. Giving Special Days Their Grammatical Due 6-27
9. The weather isn’t good today, so I will wait until
tomorrow to go jogging. (In this sentence the word so is [an
adverb / a conjunction].) So Tell Me—When Is It Correct to Use So 7-25
10. The team is so big and strong that most others don’t
want to play against them. (In this sentence the word so is [an adverb / an adjective].) So Tell Me—When Is It Correct to Use So 7-25
11. Let’s meet for lunch at [noon / 12:00 noon]. In the Zone: It’s About Time 8-8
12. The meeting will be held at [7:00 p.m. / 7:00 p.m. in
the evening]. In the Zone: It’s About Time 8-8
13. The [silver-medal-winning / silver medal–winning] athlete gracefully shook the gold winner’s hand after the award ceremony. Punctuating Compounds That Precede 8-22
14. Jake has a [small town / small-town] personality. Punctuating Compounds That Precede 8-22
15. Do you see the [pretty, tall Kenyan / tall, pretty
Kenyan] lady standing by the fountain? Arranging Multiple Adjectives 9-5
16. Please set that [square, wooden / wooden, square] box
on the floor. Arranging Multiple Adjectives 9-5
17. The panel has reviewed [each / each and every] point
in the proposal. Still on the Stakeout for Worn-Out Words and Phrases 9-19
18. Most people prefer warm or mild days over freezing weather. (In this
sentence most is an [adjective / adverb].) Can the Versatile Adverb Modify a Noun? 10-3
19. I’ll meet you in my office upstairs. (In this sentence upstairs is an [adjective / adverb].) Can the Versatile Adverb Modify a Noun? 10-3
20. She is the quickest thinker we’ve met so far. (In this
sentence quick is an example of a [free morpheme
/ bound morpheme].) Making Sense of Morphemes 10-17
21. Theressa is unbound to the limits of traditional thinking. (In
this sentence un- is an example of a [free morpheme / bound morpheme].) Making Sense of Morphemes 10-17
22. When I watch comedies, I laugh. (This sentence is an example of the [Zero Conditional / Type 3 Conditional].) Clarifying the Conditional Tense 10-31
23. If you don’t act soon, someone else will get that open position
at the company. (This sentence is an example of the [Mixed Conditional / Type 1 Conditional].) Clarifying the Conditional Tense 10-31
24. We estimate the project will take [12–14 / from
12–14] weeks to complete. Staying on Target with Ranges 12-5
25. If I have to choose between the donuts and the cupcakes, I’d
rather have [these / these ones]. More Mulling Over Miscellany 12-19
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