With joy and inspiration we celebrate another year of grammatical discovery and discussion with you.
In 2024, our ATGV (All-Terrain Grammar Vehicle) crossed far and wide into more diverse territory ranging from assonance and alliteration to diphthongs and sibilance. The vehicle we share in pursuit of written precision and eloquence will travel farther in 2025 with the same great love for learning.
As we roll into the next leg of our trip, let's first find out what you learned and remembered from the past year's study. The 2024 master quiz includes twenty-five items from topics we covered in GrammarBook articles during the last twelve months.
Consider each question, determine your answers, and check them against the answer key. Each question's answer includes a link to the source article for reference as well.
We hope the quiz is both fun and challenging as proof of how your mastery of grammar in American English continues to grow.
Jumbo Pop Quiz: 2024 in Twenty-five Questions
1. Would you include [sic] in the sentence?
"Not all earthlings may recognize how lucky they are being on the fourth planet from the sun," Stimpy said. [Yes / No]
2. Identify any alliteration in the sentence.
Don't look now, but I think Ernie is having a snack attack.
3. Identify any alliteration in the sentence.
You should return the overdue book to the library.
4. Identify any assonance in the sentence.
Thomas and Kelli will take the bus to the park.
5. Identify any assonance in the sentence.
Poor Jordan: She injured her hand, so she can't play the organ.
6. Identify any instances of elision in the sentence.
Listen, if you can't pay, don't play. Didn't they tell you that before we started dealin'?
7. Does the sentence include consonance?
Wanda's over there, wandering about by the pet store. [Yes / No]
8. Does the sentence include consonance?
The eight o'clock show is beginning. Did you locate our seats? [Yes / No]
9. Adding a sound to a word established without it, such as "ath-uh-lete" for "athlete" or "hampster" for "hamster," is known as:
a. apocope
b. metathesis
c. epenthesis
10. Identify any instances of sibilance (excluding ch, f, hard th, and v).
We accept the agreement's new terms except for the clause excluding balloons.
11. Identify any instances of sibilance (excluding ch, f, hard th, and v).
Charlie thanks you for that very nice salt-and-pepper shaker set.
12. Choose the correct grammar.
The topic of the discussion is strictly between [Batman and I / Batman and me].
13. Choose the correct grammar.
It's supposed to rain later. Let's [try and / try to] finish painting the shed before it starts.
14. Determine if the following is written correctly; if not, provide proper revisions.
Always the first to notice, the bus turned the corner, and Desiree saw it and said to come quick.
15. Correctly choose onto or on to.
Current time has expired, so we'll need to move [onto / on to] the next topic.
16. Correctly choose onto or on to.
Look—the lead singer is climbing [onto / on to] the scaffolding!
17. What is correct according to proper formal writing?
Do [like / as] I do, not [like / as] I say.
18. What is correct according to proper formal writing?
Khalil is speaking [like / as if] he's already read the report.
19. Identify any words with diphthongs.
Please tell him. He wants to hear about it.
20. Identify any words with diphthongs.
The Campanas were invited to the potluck dinner.
21. Separate the word brain into its phonemes.
22. Identify any indefinite nouns (not pronouns).
Does anyone really believe Samantha wants a cat with a dog tattoo for her birthday?
23. Identify any indefinite nouns (not pronouns).
Everyone here saw the blimp with the Led Zeppelin logo pass over the ribfest.
24. Which new dictionary entry would you use to complete the sentence?
Darnell, when are you going to stop playing video games all day and _______?
a. cosplay
b. simp
c. touch grass
25. Which new dictionary entry would you use to complete the sentence?
If anyone has the ______ to get a date with Scarlett, it's Jonah.
a. kayfabe
b. rizz
c. sabb
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Jumbo Pop Quiz Answers
1. "Not all earthlings may recognize how lucky they are being on the fourth planet from the sun," Stimpy said.
Yes: factual inaccuracy (Earth is the third planet from the sun.)
Using sic in 2024 1-31
2. Don't look now, but I think Ernie is having a snack attack.
Alliteration: Definition and Examples 2-14
3. You should return the overdue book to the library.
Alliteration: Definition and Examples 2-14
4. Thomas and Kelli will take the bus to the park. No assonance, only alliteration
Assonance: Definition and Examples 2-28
5. Poor Jordan: She injured her hand, so she can't play the organ.
Assonance: Definition and Examples 2-28
6. Listen, if you can't pay, don't play. Didn't they tell you that before we started dealin'?
Elision: Definition and Examples 3-13
7. Wanda's over there, wandering about by the pet store. Yes
Consonance: Definition and Examples 3-27
8. The eight o'clock show is beginning. Did you locate our seats? No
Consonance: Definition and Examples 3-27
9. c. epenthesis
What Is Epenthesis? 4-10
10. We accept the agreement's new terms except for the clause excluding balloons.
Sibilance: Definition and Examples 4-24
11. Charlie thanks you for that very nice salt-and-pepper shaker set.
Sibilance: Definition and Examples 4-24
12. The topic of the discussion is strictly between Batman and me.
Top 10 Grammar Mistakes in English 5-8
13. It's supposed to rain later. Let's try to finish painting the shed before it starts.
Top 10 Grammar Mistakes in English 5-8
14. The sentence has two primary problems: Always the first to notice [dangling modifier], the bus turned the corner, and Desiree saw it and said to come quick [adverb-adjective confusion].
Possible revision: Always the first to notice, Desiree saw the bus turn the corner and said to come quickly.
Possible revision: The bus turned the corner, and Desiree, always the first to notice, saw it and said to come quickly.
Possible revision: The bus turned the corner, and always the first to notice, Desiree saw it and said to come quickly.
Possible revision: Always the first to notice the bus turn the corner, Desiree saw it and said to come quickly.
Top 10 Grammar Mistakes in English 5-8
15. Current time has expired, so we'll need to move on to the next topic.
Onto vs. On To 5-29
16. Look—the lead singer is climbing onto the scaffolding!
Onto vs. On To 5-29
17. Do as I do, not as I say.
Like vs. As, Such As 6-12
18. Khalil is speaking as if he's already read the report.
Like vs. As, Such As 6-12
19. Please tell him. He wants to hear about it.
What Is a Diphthong? 7-24
20. The Campanas were invited to the potluck dinner.
What Is a Diphthong? 7-24
21. brain / three phonemes: br, ai, n
What Is a Phoneme? 8-21
22. Does anyone really believe Samantha wants a cat with a dog tattoo for her birthday?
What Are Indefinite Nouns? 9-18
23. Everyone here saw the blimp with the Led Zeppelin logo pass over the ribfest. no indefinite nouns
What Are Indefinite Nouns? 9-18
24. c. touch grass
New Words in the Dictionary 10-16
25. b. rizz
New Words in the Dictionary 10-16
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