What Is a Transitive Verb?
Most people understand what a sentence verb is: a word that expresses an action performed by a subject. English verbs are further categorized into transitive and intransitive verbs. In this discussion, we'll review what a transitive verb is and how it functions in a sentence.
A transitive verb is one that expresses an action that takes an object to complete its meaning. In contrast, an intransitive verb confines the action to the subject and does not transfer it to an object.
A transitive verb can be thought of as a cart that is "transferring" an action from the subject to an object. The majority of verbs are transitive.
Ken dropped (transitive verb) his keys (direct object) in the well.
Diana rode (transitive verb) her scooter (direct object) to practice.
Paul shoveled (transitive verb) dirt (direct object) into the ditch. |
What Is a Transitive Verb: Applying the Passive-Voice Test
One common measure for checking if a verb is transitive is testing whether the sentence subject can be made the object and receive the action in the passive voice. Intransitive verbs cannot be written in a passive construction.
Let's apply the test to the verbs we used in the three sentences above:
The keys were dropped by Ken in the well.
The scooter was ridden by Diana to practice.
The dirt was shoveled by Paul into the ditch. |
By this measure, all three sentence verbs are transitive in their original (active) form.
What Is a Transitive Verb: More About Objects
In addition to acting on direct objects, transitive verbs can involve an indirect object, which appears between the verb and the direct object. You can usually spot the indirect object by determining if it could follow the direct object with a prepositional phrase that often begins with to or for.
Jacques gave (transitive verb) him (indirect object) the sealed letter (direct object).
Jacques gave (transitive verb) the sealed letter (direct object) to him (object of phrase).
Kristoff threw (transitive verb) them (indirect object) the party of the year (direct object).
Kristoff threw (transitive verb) the party of the year (direct object) for them (object of phrase). |
Note that some verbs can double as both transitive and intransitive according to their context.
Viktor walks (transitive verb) his dog (direct object) each morning.
Viktor walks (intransitive verb) in the morning (adverbial prepositional phrase).
Sara is playing (transitive verb) the flute (direct object).
Sara is playing (intransitive verb) outside (adverb). |
In some cases, a transitive verb may also require an object complement to complete its meaning. Consider the following sentences.
The panel considered (transitive verb) the case (direct object).
The panel considered (transitive verb) the case (direct object) closed (object complement, adjective). |
Without the object complement (closed), the information given can meaning something else entirely.
What Is a Transitive Verb: Main Patterns
In summary, a transitive verb is one that transfers an action to something. You will most often see transitive verbs in one of three patterns.
1. Subject + transitive verb + direct object
2. Subject + transitive verb + indirect object + direct object
3. Subject + transitive verb + direct object + object complement
Subject |
Transitive Verb |
Indirect Object |
Direct Object |
Object Complement |
1. Karen |
bakes |
cookies. |
2. Billy |
handed |
him |
the phone. |
3. The people |
elected |
her |
president. (noun) |
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Pop Quiz
Let's put your knowledge into practice. Identify any transitive verbs that appear in the following sentences.
1. Cliff left early yesterday, and someone saw him ordering lunch at a roadside diner.
2. Tricia looks beautiful in that dress. She wears it well.
3. That salesperson wants a ten percent deposit.
4. Wanda will become upset if we are late to the recital.
5. The company president named Janice the new vice president of operations.
The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation
by Lester Kaufman and Jane Straus |
Revised and Expanded Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation Coming Next Month
The twelfth edition of The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation is set for a May 4, 2021, debut. It has been seven years since the eleventh edition was published. So when the publisher, Jossey-Bass, requested another go-round, the team at GrammarBook.com was elated.
You will find the new, extensively revised and expanded version in keeping with our consistent vision of a direct, concise, unfussy grammar book.
The Blue Book, which started life as a booklet for California state employees, has now sold hundreds of thousands of copies. Over the years, we’ve seen the number of subscribers to our weekly newsletter grow from dozens to scores to hundreds; now, there are over 40,000 of you worldwide.
The new edition continues to stress the difference between rules on the one hand and conventions, customs, and tendencies on the other. We also added previously uncovered material, such as irregular verbs, that have been popular topics in our newsletters and blogs. In addition, the Confusing Words and Homonyms section has been greatly expanded, and we have developed all-new quizzes covering even more topics.
The new Blue Book takes on English in all its often maddening complexity, acknowledging its quirks, gray areas, exceptions, limitations, and contradictions. We realize that people want straight answers, but with English, there sometimes aren’t any, and we would be remiss in saying otherwise.
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The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation
by Jane Straus, Lester Kaufman, and Tom Stern |
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To order the book, simply click the link to order the book from the GrammarBook.com website.
Noun or verb: Which would you rather be?
Pop Quiz Answers
1. Cliff left early yesterday, and someone saw him ordering lunch at a roadside diner.
2. Tricia looks beautiful in that dress. She wears it well.
3. That salesperson wants a ten percent deposit.
4. Wanda will become upset if we are late to the recital. No transitive verbs
5. The company president named Janice the new vice president of operations.
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