Staying Regular with Irregular Verbs
English includes several hundred irregular verbs with an estimated 180 of them in regular use. While many users have likely grasped most of the common irregular conjugations, several of the verbs remain elusive and trip even those who are fluent.
We have visited this subject multiple times in the past (see the links at the end of this article). Considering that our last discussion was in 2016, we thought now would be a good time for a review to refresh.
As a recap, an irregular verb is one that does not form its simple past tense and past participle with the standard addition of -d or -ed to the infinitive (the base form of the verb that follows to, as in to bake). Just two examples of standard conjugation of regular verbs are bake, baked, have baked and grasp, grasped, have grasped.
While some irregular verbs form their own singular categories (e.g., go, be), most are often grouped into common types:
Vowel changed: begin, began, have begun
-en added to form the past participle: beat, beat, have beaten
Vowel(s) changed, -en added to form the past participle: speak, spoke, have spoken
Vowel changed to a consonant, -t added to form the past tense and the past participle: feel, felt, have felt
-d changed to -t: send, sent, have sent
Final consonant repeated, -ed added to form the past tense and the past participle: drop, dropped, have dropped
No change: cut, cut, have cut
These diverse conjugation patterns can make irregular verbs challenging for any English speaker. Mastery of them comes only through correct, consistent use.
The wrong form of an irregular verb is considered sub- or non-standard English. On occasion we might still read or hear usage such as he had stole the keys, she had went yesterday, or the radio was broke. To develop and maintain precise and eloquent English, we want to remain alert to such solecisms.
The following table includes examples of common irregular verbs, including several that are misused the most often. Note that some allow for two forms; either would be correct.
Infinitive |
Simple Past |
Past Participle |
arise |
arose |
arisen |
bear |
bore |
born |
break |
broke |
broken |
broadcast |
broadcast(ed) |
broadcast(ed) |
burn |
burnt/burned |
burnt/burned |
burst |
burst |
burst |
cast |
cast |
cast |
creep |
crept |
crept |
dive |
dove/dived |
dived |
draw |
drew |
drawn |
dream |
dreamt/dreamed |
dreamt/dreamed |
drive |
drove |
driven |
eat |
ate |
eaten |
forbid |
forbade |
forbidden |
forgo |
forwent |
forgone |
hang |
hung |
hung/hanged |
lay |
laid |
laid |
lie |
lay |
lain |
prove |
proved |
proved/proven |
sell |
sold |
sold |
shine |
shone/shined |
shone/shined |
show |
showed |
showed/shown |
stink |
stank |
stunk |
stride |
strode |
stridden |
strive |
strove |
striven |
swim |
swam |
swum |
think |
thought |
thought |
wake |
woke/waked |
woken/waked |
Verbs are vital to communicating in English, and irregular verbs are among those we use the most. Committing to correct usage makes us more effective in our missions to express ourselves.
Past Discussions of Irregular Verbs
Irregular Verbs (July 2008)
Why Irregular Verbs Are Strong (October 2015)
Irregular Verbs Can Be a Regular Pain (July 2015)
Irregular Verbs: Handle with Care (May 2016)
More Fun with Irregular Verbs (August 2016)
Lie vs. Lay (December 2016)
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Pop Quiz
Using what you’ve learned in this article, choose the correct form of the irregular verb in each sentence.
1. The children were [forbid/forbidden] from climbing onto the roof.
2. That cologne you were wearing last night really [stank/stunk].
3. Jack [burst/bursted] the balloon when he sat on it.
4. Susan said she was tired, so she [laid/lay] down in the guest room.
5. I have [strived/striven] to get better grades ever since I entered college.
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Pop Quiz Answers
1. The children were forbidden from climbing onto the roof.
2. That cologne you were wearing last night really stank.
3. Jack burst the balloon when he sat on it.
4. Susan said she was tired, so she lay down in the guest room.
5. I have striven to get better grades ever since I entered college.
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