Category: Definitions
Posted on Tuesday, June 9, 2009, at 9:30 am
We get more questions about pronoun usage, particularly I vs. me, than any other topic. So, here is a review that should help you feel more secure about your choices. For more on the topic, click here. Should we say, "She and I went to the store"? Or is it correct to say, "She and …
Read MorePosted on Saturday, August 9, 2008, at 6:40 pm
Regardless vs. Irregardless Some words in the English language are so overused that we don’t notice that they are incorrect or don’t even exist. A perfect example is irregardless. Many scholars maintain there is no such word as irregardless because regardless already means "without regard." The -ir prefix is redundant. Sneaked vs. Snuck Both sneaked …
Read MorePosted on Tuesday, July 29, 2008, at 1:14 am
Using bi or semi in front of time periods can create tremendous confusion these days as definitions and style guidance continue to soften and blur. To illustrate this, we located the following definitions of words with the bi or semi prefix after researching both style books and dictionaries. Biweekly: once every two weeks or twice a …
Read MorePosted on Friday, July 18, 2008, at 4:57 pm
Have you wondered whether there is a right way and a wrong way to use the words farther and further? The different uses of the two words can be subtle. Let's have a closer look. Farther: Refers to physical distance only. Examples: We had to walk farther than the map indicated. Reno is farther from …
Read MorePosted on Thursday, June 19, 2008, at 12:31 am
Both compel and impel contain the idea of using physical or other force to cause something to be done. Compel means to constrain someone in some way to yield or do what one wishes. Examples: to compel a debtor to pay Fate compels us to face danger and trouble. Impel means to provide a strong …
Read MorePosted on Tuesday, June 10, 2008, at 4:55 am
In verb conjugation, a regular verb follows a simple, predictable pattern, such as print (present tense), printed (simple past), and printed (past particle): I print, you printed, and they have printed. An irregular verb is one that forms its simple past tense and past participle with a non-standard pattern. Ring is one such verb. Ring conjugates as …
Read MorePosted on Monday, April 21, 2008, at 9:06 pm
If you decide to take the free Grammar Mastery Quiz, you’ll eventually come to #40, which has turned out to be confusing for many. Question 40: The department's principal/principle concern is the safety of all employees. First, let’s figure out what part of speech the word is in the sentence above. Since it describes concern, …
Read MorePosted on Tuesday, April 8, 2008, at 2:54 am
For the past tense of to plead, you may use either pleaded or pled. Example: He pleaded not guilty before his trial. Example: He pled not guilty before his trial. Note: In the strict legal sense, one cannot plead innocent. Word of the Week Avuncular: Like an uncle, especially in kindness or tolerance. Example: He …
Read MorePosted on Monday, November 26, 2007, at 3:24 pm
The three words, assure, ensure, and insure, are often confused. All three words share an element of "making an outcome sure." However, rather than using these words interchangeably, I'd like to point out the unique aspects of each word so that you can use them to communicate your intention clearly. Assure is to promise or …
Read MorePosted on Friday, October 26, 2007, at 10:18 pm
Some words written as one word will differ in meaning when split into two words. So you need to know which word you really want. Anymore: any longer, nowadays Example: Harry doesn't travel anymore. Any more: something additional or further Example: I don't want any more cake. Anyone: anybody Example: Anyone can learn to …
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